How to show appreciation to your favorite group fitness instructors

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How to show appreciation to your favorite group fitness instructors coming at you today!

This is an updated version of an older post that has been very popular over the years, and I love that people want to talk about this topic! Let’s do a refresh …

I’ve been a group fitness instructor for more than 15 years, and I want to start this post by saying that group fitness instructors do not teach group fitness classes because they are looking for anything in return from participants. That’s not what this post about showing appreciation is about at all. What this post is about is understanding how to best support your favorite group fitness instructors.

Believe it or not, most group fitness instructors are not teaching your class to get rich. Don’t get me wrong, you can definitely be well compensated for filling up the room at the nicer health clubs and fancier boutique studios, but most likely, your instructor is there out of passion for group fitness and passion for helping others (like you) to get moving.

So let’s talk about how to show appreciation to those special people who work hard for you …

How to show appreciation to your favorite group fitness instructors

Here’s how to show appreciation to your favorite group fitness instructors …

Show up regularly to your favorite group fitness instructors’ classes as best as you can.

One of the very best ways to show appreciation to your favorite group fitness instructors is to show up regularly to their classes. In fact, regular attendance is the most important thing you can do. 

Not only do group fitness instructors love to teach to a full room of folks, but also, most group fitness instructors are assessed by their class numbers. This particular metric can determine whether or not a group fitness instructor gets more classes on the schedule, whether the group fitness instructor can ask for increases in their pay and whether that group fitness instructor is considered for new opportunities as well.

But not only that, group fitness is an in-person (or virtual) activity. We want you there, and we want you to come every week (or multiple times a week), because you want to be there. This is just so huge.

We see you. We like seeing you. And we want you in your spot that you know you love to choose every single class.

Tell your friends about your favorite group fitness instructors, and invite your friends to their classes. 

Do you know what makes your favorite group fitness instructors really happy? When you tell other people about their classes, invite those new people and help convert those new people to big fans too.

So if you have a favorite instructor who really motivates you and always delivers a great class, then don’t keep it a secret. Spread the love. 

Not only do group fitness instructors love to have new people in their classes, but also, if someone comes in as a “referral,” they are way more likely to commit and become a regular. A win-win-win, for you, the instructor and your friend.

Be open to trying new things with your favorite group fitness instructors.

If you like a particular instructor, and they start teaching a new class that you’re not sure you would like, you should totally try the class.

If you like a particular instructor, and they start teaching in a new time-slot that you don’t usually attend, go one day and see what it’s like.

Because, back to point number one, the most important thing you can do is attend your favorite instructors’ classes.

Thank the instructor after every class you take from them, or at least say goodbye as you leave the room.

I know it sounds silly to thank your instructor after every class, but you should do it. Your instructor appreciates every single thank you. If there are 40 people in the class, and all 40 say thank you — that is not too much.

Now, I know that you’re often quite busy and you have to rush out, and I know that sometimes the instructor is already talking to others when you’re leaving. But at the least, you can say bye, wave, or smile at your instructor on your way out.

This tiny acknowledgment matters so much — after you’ve spent this important time together — and it certainly takes very little effort on your part, you know?

Tell your favorite instructors why you like their classes. And tell them how they’ve made a difference for you.

If you keep going back to the same instructors, there’s got to be a reason, right?

Some people love an energetic instructor. Some people love an educational instructor. Some people love a bossy instructor. Some people love an instructor with a great playlist.

Whatever it is about your instructor that you like or whatever it is about his or her class that you like — let them know. This praise and this encouragment helps motivate your instructor to keep creating, practicing and delivering great workouts to you.

But it doesn’t have to just be feedback on the instructor’s class, it could also be how you’ve achieved a new health and wellness goal or changed your habits or lifestyle based on taking their classes. Don’t keep this information to yourself, share it!

Help your favorite instructors get their equipment set up or help them clean up.

You are by no means obligated to help your instructor get set up, but if you know what they need for class, it’s such a nice thing to do. 

And while I know you have a million things to do after class is over, if you’re able to do even a little bit of clean up for your instructor, outside of your own equipment, of course, it’s such an appreciated effort.

Be a really good participant in your favorite instructors’ classes.

What’s a really good participant? Someone who listens when the instructor is talking. Someone who answers when the instructor asks the class a question. Someone who does their best to follow the instructor. And definitely someone who is polite to others in the room. I’ve written a whole post about how to be a polite and really good group fitness participant, and you can check that one out here.

Provide feedback on your favorite instructors to the gym or studio where they work, or even in an online review.

If you love your instructor, you should tell their manager that you feel the way you do. It may take you one whole minute to leave that positive comment, and yet, it matters so much to the instructor. And if you get an email survey after taking your favorite instructor’s class, please fill it out rather than ignore it. Once again, it matters.

Yelp is the go-to spot for rating gyms and studios online. If you love someone who teaches a great class, pop on and give them a positive shout-out. Would you do that for a restaurant that doesn’t mean that much to you? Probably. So do it for an instructor who gives you sweat, effort and motivation when you need it most to reach your fitness goals.

In conclusion …

Group fitness is an amazing thing. It brings people together to sweat, connect and learn from each other, while also getting in shape and feeling good at the same time. 

While you’re not expected to do anything for the instructors that teach your classes, if you want to, try any or all of the above. But most importantly, keep on moving and soaking up the benefits of working out together!

Thank you for reading this post about how to show appreciation to your favorite group fitness instructors. Go off and have a great day!

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Questions of the day

Do you have a favorite group fitness class or instructor?

What’s something you look for in a group fitness instructor?

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